After a busy week on the road last week, we started Monday morning in a hotel in Farmington Hills. The beginning of my week would be spent at a conference for work and the girls would be spending a couple of nights at daycare and boarding.
The girls woke up early for a potty break and breakfast Monday morning, so after they ate, I decided I'd load them into the car and head over to drop them off at Canine College to take full advantage of the time I was paying for them to stay. Then I headed back to the hotel, grabbed a quick breakfast, and watched a beautiful sunrise from my room. I wish I would have gotten a picture.
I spent some time working in my hotel room before making the trip to the Detroit airport for my afternoon flight to Orlando.
I arrived in Orlando around 4:30pm. made my way to baggage claim to get my suitcase, and then requested an Uber. I had about a 15 minute wait until the driver arrived and then a little over an hour drive in rush hour traffic to the resort for the conference. I arrived, checked into my room, changed my clothes, and headed back downstairs to the evening events.
Tuesday was spent in meeting sessions until around 4:30pm when we had a couple of hours for a break. As soon as we had free time, I put on my shorts and headed outside for a walk.
I saw lots of birds along my route around the golf course. These sandhill cranes were not happy with my presences. I honestly thought they just might attack me so I moved along past them pretty quickly.
I had a nice three and a half mile walk, then I headed over toward the pool area to stick my feet in the water. I was happy to find the family pool completely empty and, at maximum of 2 feet deep, I could safely walk around in the pool without getting my shorts wet. It was good to get away from the craziness of all of the people and just have some time to myself.
Eventually, it was time to leave the pool, and walked over to find a couple of my counterparts who I knew would be floating around the lazy river. I visited with them until they went upstairs to get ready for our evening event.
I enjoyed the beautiful sunset and spent a little time with my feet in the hot tub.
Finally I had to leave to change for the evening event. The beautiful glow in the sky after the sunset was pretty spectacular from my room as I changed for the evening.
Wednesday morning we had some more sessions, but I left a little early to travel to the airport. Luckily my Uber arrived quickly and we had smooth travels to the airport. Surprisingly, I made it through security in less than 10 minutes, and I was at my gate in record time. This allowed me time to grab some lunch and get some steps in walking around the airport while I waited for my flight to board.
With some major snow moving into Michigan, I was worried about delays or even the possibility of a cancelled flight, but we boarded on time and were in the air early. It was a smooth flight home and we arrived in Detroit with no issues.
I made it to my car quickly, and luckily, the roads around the airport hadn't gotten too bad at that point so I was able to make it to Canine College to pick up the girls before they closed. After looking at the radar and checking on the Lansing area weather, I made the decision to stay safe and just get a hotel room for the night instead of driving home in the mess. I'm really glad I did.
I made a quick stop at Nicol's house to pick up the dog food I had had delivered to her house in the event I was delayed getting home and she needed it for the girls. I spent a little time with Fiona, but as she sat down to eat dinner, I left to grab some take out for myself and to get checked in to my room for the night.
The girls and I settled in for the evening and they slept well all night. We never left our room after 7:30pm until they woke up around 7am the next morning.
It was snowy, but the driveway at the hotel was cleaned when we went out for their morning potty break. We even got some sunshine.
After breakfast, the girls settled in for the morning while I did some work from the hotel. I watched as the morning progressed and the traffic flow slowly improved.
It was a quiet and productive morning as I tried to catch up on some work after being out of the office for three days.
I fed the girls an early lunch before we checked out of the hotel at 11am to head home. They took a quick potty break and were happy to get comfy in the car for the drive home.
We arrived home to a lot more snow than we had left behind, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the City of Lansing had already plowed my street. So I parked the car in the street and ran into the garage to get my shovel to start cleaning the driveway.
We got about 6 inches of snow and I spent the next 50 minutes shoveling. When the driveway and sidewalk were finally cleared, I pulled into the garage, unloaded the car, and got right back to work. I had a busy afternoon of calls, but the girls were happy to nap while I was busy so it was a quiet afternoon. I was exhausted after my busy work day, so we spent a quiet evening at home and headed to bed early.
My Friday morning at work was busy as well, and before I knew it, it was 2pm and I hadn't stopped for a break or lunch. With the potential for another snow storm moving into the area Friday into Saturday, I decided to take my lunch break and run a few errands. I dropped off my composting on the way to the gas station to fill up the car and get a car wash. Then I made a quick stop at Menard's before heading to Aldi for some groceries.
Aftet I finished my grocery shopping, we made the drive to Preuss Pets so that the girls could get in a little fun and I could buy them a few goodies for Valentine's Day. They were excited to see Sean, their favorite Preuss employee, and even more excited to see the ferrets. We finished our visit with a quick walk around the block before heading home to finish out my work day.
The weather was still dry after work, so I decided to take the girls downtown for a walk on the Capitol Walkway which goes from the Capitol Building to the Supreme Court Hall of Justice Building.
I love walking here in the winter because the walkways are always clean so I don't have to worry about slipping on ice and snow. The wind was brutal as we walked back toward the Capitol, and Peaches was jogging along letting me know she was done with this walk. We ended up finishing a nice 2 miles before we made it back to the car.
Before heading home, I picked up dinner at my favorite taco truck. Then we made the drive over to Twisters for an special treat on their opening day for this year.
After the girls finished their dinner, I added a few dog-friendly sprinkles and some salmon skin to the ice cream for their special Valentine's Day treat. I tried to get a cute picture of them, but they weren't cooperative. After a busy week, we settled in for a nice night at home and our long weekend.
Originally, I had hoped that we might be able to take advantage of our long weekend to make a fun trip North, but after seeing the potential forecast for the weekend, I decided we'd just stay home. We've been so busy the last month that a long weekend at home sounded nice.
On Thursday, the forecast was calling for snow Friday night into Saturday followed by a wintry mix on Saturday into Sunday, and I was getting excited for the possibility of just staying home all weekend while the snow fell and the wind blew. I love a good snow storm when I'm home with nowhere to go and that's what I was hoping for this weekend. But the forecast changed and the storm I expected for Saturday never developed. We did get a small amount of snow overnight, but nothing that impacted travel. We still spent a very quiet Saturday morning at home snuggled together, which I really enjoyed.
After looking at the radar around 12:30pm and seeing that snow was expected around 2pm, I decided to get the girls out for a little exercise while I could. Sunday still had the promise of some bad weather and I was almost out of salt, so I decided we'd make a trip to Home Depot. I quickly shoveled and then we made the drive to Home Depot.
I walked the girls around the store and did a little shopping. The girls loved their trip because they got so much attention. They are always very popular on our Home Depot trips. On the way home we also made a stop at Soldan's for a little more fun for the girls. Then we headed home, had a late lunch, and the girls took turns sitting on me while I watched some Gameshow Network. I also enjoyed some time playing with Mina.
I've done some cleaning and organizing, but now we are all snuggled in for another quiet night at home. I'm hoping to have a really quiet Sunday and Monday at home maybe doing a little reading and food prep for the week.
As I look outside and see all of the snow on the ground, I have to smile. While I don't love winter, I realize that I have missed a real Michigan winter after our last two very mild winters. I'm still planning to make a trip North before this winter ends because we need a good winter adventure, but I'm happy to have this nice winter weekend at home.