Although Maddie and Piper stay inside with me for most of the work day, Peaches will spend hours every day out in the yard both exploring and sleeping. No matter how hot it is, she loves to find a good spot in the sun for a nice long nap. She's also enjoying being close to the garden to watch the birds and bees that are frequent visitors. It gives her hours of entertainment.
Some days I will take my laptop outside to work for a bit or spend my lunch out on the patio and Maddie and Piper are happy to join me as well. They happily move from the sun to the shade, but are never far from me. Sometimes Peaches will even join them in the shade.
What's been especially nice is watching Piper learn how to relax. She never would have laid down outside when she first came to me. She was much too anxious and always on the move. But now, she'll relax pretty quickly if I ask her to go lay down, even if she'd rather be playing.
It's also been nice being able to give Maddie more time outside when the weather is nice and she can enjoy it. While she spends most of her time lounging around the yard or on the patio, she also gets to spend some time quietly wandering around the yard at her own speed and that makes me happy to see. She is also very happy that she has a friend that is willing to share her blanket when she is ready to relax.
We've also been spending a lot more time out in the yard every night. When it's not too humid and the bugs aren't bad, I really enjoy spending time outside working in the yard, reading a book, or just relaxing and enjoying a beautiful Summer night.
I've also really enjoyed our new nightly routine of playing fetch. When Piper came here 3 1/2 months ago, one of the main reasons I decided to foster her was to give Peaches someone to play with while we were stuck at home all the time. I thought that they would play and chase each other and keep each other busy while I worked. While Piper didn't know how to play when she first came here, she really tries to get Peaches to play with her now, with little luck. So instead of keeping Peaches busy, she keeps me busy instead. And it has been so much fun. Each night we spend at least 30 minutes out in the yard playing fetch and tug and working on some new skills, and some nights Peaches will join in the fun too. It brings back some really great memories of the fun I used to have with a young Imke and Jake. We've even gotten Maddie out in the yard for some of our fun, although she doesn't do much more than watch, it seems to make her happy too. It has become my favorite time of the day.