It has been an interesting week for us. It has become apparent to me that much of my daily life currently revolves around teaching Mina how to successfully navigate through life. Everything is a teaching moment. Every action can leave a lasting imprint on her and affect her and how she reacts to every day life in the future.
While I had at least a basic understanding that it would be my responsibility to make sure she is prepared for life as an adult, I don't think I had really thought about just how much she would depend on me to teach her how to be a confident, happy, and well-adjusted dog. She is a sponge just soaking everything in right now and anything I do, teach her, introduce her to, or forget to teach her can impact her future life. That's a lot of responsibility!
Somehow, by complete accident, Imke turned out to be a really confident and well-behaved dog, despite my shortcomings as a puppy owner 19 years ago. I knew nothing about dog training and behavior back then...looking back, I was completely clueless! I know so much more about dog behavior and socialization now, that I went into the decision to get a puppy again with a lot of confidence, knowing that Mina would be the most well-behaved and confident dog I've owned. Crate training, potty training, loose leash walking were all going to be a breeze.
What I forgot to factor in was that I would have a real live puppy with a mind of her own, unique genetics , and an already developing personality with likes and dislikes and fears...all things that I must work with and I can help shape her into the dog I know she can be. Some days that is harder than others, but luckily she is cute and cuddly so the struggles don't seem quite so bad.
Overall, we have had a pretty good week. Every morning we spend some time snuggling on the bed before work. I'm okay with her being on the bed as long as she listens when I ask her to get down, which she does. She spends most of the night sleeping next to Peaches on the dog bed next to my bed. She does weasel her way into my bed many nights, and I wake up to a puppy curled up in a tiny ball right next to my face, but she gets back down with Peaches as soon as I ask and I am okay with that.
While she hasn't received all of her puppy vaccinations yet, I am trying to be careful about where I take her and when. I can't lock her away from the world, because she needs exposure to new people, places, experiences, and things, but I can be picky about what we do.
Monday we took a walk around downtown Lansing and did a little geocaching. We explored the LCC campus where we saw some theater students practicing an outdoor play. Mina was fascinated by all the action!
We met some of the firefighters at Fire station #1. That was exciting because meeting firefighters was on our scavenger hunt list for her class and one of the firefighters was female which I was happy to see. They offered both girls a drink of water from a hose, and while Peachss was happy to take advantage of it, Mina kept her distance. But the big noisy truck and all of the sounds of a fire station didn't bother her at all and she was happy to make some new friends.
We spend a lot of time outside every night and, with the nice weather this week, they were also out a lot during the day while I worked. Both girls are happy to be able to spend many hours out exploring the yard, wresting on the patio, or lounging in the sun. It is one if the best parts of me working from home, in my opinion.
One of Mina's favorite activities is stick chewing and I find sticks dragged all over the yard and throughout the garage.
We also had a fun visit early in the week from Bonnie and her boy Duke. Somehow I didn't get any pictures, but the hour they spent playing and lounging together made for some very tired girls. Mina was not intimidated one bit by the big, boisterous coonhound, and he was very gentle with her. I'm glad she has been able to meet some new dogs in safe ways so she understands that they are her friends.
Mina has recently discovered the lightning bugs and enjoys watching them and then pouncing around the yard trying to catch them. None of her efforts have been rewarded yet, but it is cute to watch her.
She and Peaches spend so much time playing now. Most of it is fairly quiet wresting, but there are also rounds of chase and tug. And Mina isn't the only one initiating the play times. Peaches will often start a good round of play and that makes me very happy. Peaches has also thoroughly been enjoying our daily traing routine because it means she gets to share in the treats...what she doesn't realize is that she is also learning a few things too!
On Friday morning, we had the first death of a baby bird in our backyard this year. It was a joint effort with both girls getting involved. While the little baby was definitely not going to make it after Peaches leapt to snatch it out of the air (on what I assume was it's first flight) while being dive bombed by its dad, Mina ensured it wouldn't make it by picking it up and eventually swallowing it whole while I watched in horror. If only she understood the leave it and drop commands. Nearimg 36 hours later, she seems completely fine so I guess she just got a little extra protein in her diet. Neither of them felt one bit guilty about what they had done.
After nearly two weeks of trying, I think we have finally mastered the down command. That was our biggest accomplishment this week. Mina is smart, but stubborn, and luckily pretty motivated by almost any treat so as long as I stay consistent, her training should go well. I'm most happy with her very solid recall because of all the skills I need her to learn, that is number one on the list. Life as an adventure dog is a lot easier and more rewarding if you can be trusted to come when called.
This week I introduced Mina to the kiddie pool. I'm just going to leave it out so she can explore it whenever she wants. I was pretty happy she decided to get in and stay awhile today. Next step will be to take her to a inland lake, so a trip to Higgins Lake may be in our future. I really hope she'll be a water dog.
We had a trip to Gumps this morning for some breakfast tacos and, of course the girls got some pulled pork. Mina even sat nicely while Gump fed her. She is going to learn to love our trips there as much as Peaches does. We spent some time in the yard, took a nice walk around the neighborhood, and were pretty busy most of the day so the girls happily went down for a late afternoon siesta so I decided to write now, before we get busy again!
We have fun plans for tomorrow and maybe even some more fun later this week that I'll share in the next blog. The girls are awake and ready to play again and it's almost time for our evening training routine.
Enjoy your weekend! We look forward to sharing with you next week.