Happy Sunday, everyone. It has been a hot week with lots of rain. So many days this week we had rain in the evenings, making it hard for us to get out for much fun. Then the heat and humidity arrived late in the week. Thankfully, we were able to end our week with some fun despite the high temperatures and humidity.
After posting the blog last weekend, we took a short Sunday adventure in the Webberville area. I had to meet Nicol at the nearby Park and Ride, and the girls needed some exercise, so it only made sense to visit a park in Webberville for our walk. The temperatures were high and after a short loop around the park, the girls were ready to get back into the comfort of the air conditioned car
We then spent a little time picking up a few geocaches in the area. I was pretty excited to see this little fawn close by when we made one of our stops.
And I thought this was a really pretty view of the Red Cedar River as it winds through the countryside.
Monday, the heat continued, and other than some time outside during the day while I was working, we didn't take any adventures. Mina got a little sassy with me that evening when I was just trying to get her to snuggle.
Tuesday brought us a combination of heat and rain most of the day. We were even under a flood warning here in Lansing. During the day, the girls spent time out in the yard when it wasn't raining, and they were entertained by a variety of fun brain games throughout the day, each of them got a frozen kong, and they ate dinner in a puzzle game. But despite my best efforts, neither of them were completely happy about the fact that they didn't get a walk or other adventure. Peaches kept insisting that I let them outside after dinner, but she wasn't one bit happy about the rain that she encountered.
We had rain on and off throughout the day on Wednesday, but once again, the girls spent any time that they could out in the yard while I was working. We had more brain games and food puzzles for lunch and dinner, but they really wanted to get out for more fun. The weather just wasn't cooperating.
I kept an eye on the weather as the time got closer for our Wednesday night shelter dog walk. I didn't want to cancel if we didn't have to because I know how much the dogs enjoy their time out of the shelter. The rain stopped around 4:30, so I decided we were a go for our walk, but when I left home to drive to the shelter the rain was coming down pretty hard. It cleared up again, and I got 5 dogs harnessed and ready for some fun.
When we left the shelter for our walk at 6pm, it was sprinkling, but by the time we got back the rain had picked up a bit. Luckily most of the dogs were happy to be out for our walk despite the rain.
I was pretty soaked when I left the shelter, and I thought I might take the girls for a walk after getting home. By then the rain had cleared and the sun came out, but it was getting late and I still needed to eat dinner, so we just spent some time outside in the yard.
While Mina was hanging out in the back yard, Peaches followed me in the house when i went in to make dinner. She also followed me out front when I went to get something out of the car. She just kept looking at me and trying to convince me that we should go for a car ride. She really wanted to go somewhere, but I let the poor old girl down and we stayed home.
Thankfully the rain moved of the area for Thursday, but the temperatures weren't about to cooperate. It was was warm and humid, but cloudy, after work on Thursday so I was able to take the girls along for my visit to the South Lansing Farmer's Market. I have to be really careful since this area is all on asphalt and I don't want to burn their paws.
Sweets and Treats by Tangie had a bowl of cold water out for them, and they got lots of love (and a couple of small bites from my egg roll). They always love their visits to the Farmer's Market and they always make friends while we're there. They also dragged me into Soldan's for a quick visit before we left. It was a good little adventure.
Friday was another hot day, and the girls spent some time outside while I worked, but it was so humid that I limited the time they were out. After dinner, I decided to take a drive out to Dewitt and let the girls have a good run at the dog park. They were both so happy to be there. After a long week without much time for real adventures, it was some much needed fun for all of us.
We spent an hour at the park, and by the time we left, we were the only ones there. When I was ready to leave, the girls happily jumped in the car and crashed as soon as we got home. It was a quiet evening at my house.
After all of their fun on Friday, the girls slept in on Saturday morning. I was up early to get ready to head to the shelter for our Saturday morning dog walk and Mina didn't even get out of bed until after I was out of the shower.
It was a very humid morning which made for a steamy walk with the shelter dogs, so we shortened our walk and spent more time sitting in the shade at our water break spot. That gave me the opportunity to love on all of the dogs. When we got back to the shelter, they were all very happy to be back in the cool air conditioning. I'm sure that they all took a good nap too.
Before I left, I made sure I finally got a chance to visit the two pot-bellied pigs that are currently at the shelter and available for adoption. They are very sweet and love soft dog treats. I really want to take them out for a walk!
On the way home, I decided that I wanted to get the girls out early so that we could beat some of the heat. My intention was to take them for a visit at Preuss Pets and then maybe take a quick walk around the block. When we arrived, Peaches needed a potty walk, so I changed the plan and decided to take our walk first. Before I knew it, we had walked the couple of blocks down the street to Turner Avenue which was closed for Scrapfest, and I decided we'd check it out.
A short section of Turner was blocked off for the festival, and we were able to stay in the shade along the sidewalk and see most of the art. There was a tent at the far end with a musician and there were vendors and even a couple of food trucks.
The girls made new friends and they had the best time. We stayed pretty comfortable the whole time by staying in the shade.
When we started to head back to Preuss, I made a stop for a fresh made lemonade at one vendor and some Greek fries from one of the food trucks, and we took a minute across the street in Turner Park to share the fries. The girls were pretty excited about their special treat.
I'm so proud of how well they did. I get so many comments about how well-behaved they are in situations like this and it really makes me happy to know that the time I spent training Mina has set her up for success in the world. Peaches isn't as calm and relaxed as Mina, but she is certainly getting better every time we venture to one of these events. I think the regular visits to the Farmer's Market have helped her too.
After finishing our fries, we walked back to Preuss, took a walk around inside, and then headed back out to the car. I made a quick stop across the street at Speedway for gas, and then we made the drive out to Dewitt to visit Felzke Farms to pick up some blueberries and a few veggies as I wait for my garden to start producing (we're getting close). We had to drive by the dog park on our way to the farm, and the girls got so excited as we drove by that I promised them we'd make a quick stop after we finished at the farm.
There was a family with two beagles and two young girls there when we arrived, and Mina learned quickly that the older daughter would throw the ball for her, so she quickly made a new friend. I didn't want them to over do it with the heat, and the distance a 6-7 year old can throw the ball limited her running, so it was perfect. Meanwhile, Peaches happily just sniffed and explored.
Finally the family left, and I took a walk around the perimeter of the park with the girls. Mina took a break under the agility tunnel before we did a quick run through on the jumps and then I went to sit in the shade while the girls watched a squirrel on the other side of the fence. After about 30 minutes at the park, we loaded up into the car to head home. After lunch, they settled in for a nice long nap. The rest of our Saturday was very quiet.
Peaches has had some quirky issues this week, things that are hard to explain unless you're with her and see them. While physically she is still very active and gets around pretty well for an old lady, I'm a little worried about her mentally. I think some of the issues may be caused due to the fact that her hearing and eyesight are starting to fail her, and she's learning to navigate the world with these issues. But she was acting fearful and would try to hide in the basement or the bedroom, or she'd just stand by the door waiting for me to let her outside. One evening, I had to resort to giving her a Trazadone that I had left from when Mina had her spay surgery just to get her to settle down for the evening. Luckily she sleeps fine at night, and most of her issues occur from mid-afternoon through early evening, but her inability to relax is stressful for us both. The last couple of days have been better, and I'm going to credit it to the fact that she got out for some adventures and got plenty of exercise. She was so happy at the dog park on Friday night, and I was relieved to see her doing better. I'm keeping an eye on her and will definitely discuss her issues with our vet if they continue. Hopefully she just had an off week.
Fiona is doing great and got to have her first corn on the cob of the season this week. She loved it! Currently she's in a stage where "no" is one of her favorite words, which I'm sure drives Nicol crazy. But it's kind of cute too.
We have lots to do today, including mowing the lawn and working in the garden, but of course I went out to start the mower and it won't start. Looks like the battery for my electric start may be dead and needs replaced, so I guess I'll have to deal with that. The mowing just may need to wait another day, but with all of the rain weve gotten this week, the grass is getting pretty tall. This afternoon, we'll get out for a short adventure to keep the girls happy, which will include a stop at Pet Supplies Plus for their Ice Cream Social. It should be a good day.
Happy Sunday!