I'm going to be honest with you. I have had a tough week. Actually, it's been a tough couple of weeks. Weeks with lots of emotions-both good and bad. But today, today was the hardest day I've had recently. I had a plan for the blog this week, but the events of today changed that plan. The events of today have inspired me to share something a little different than I normally would.
As you know, we've been fostering Carol for a few weeks now. I love fostering. Fostering is one of the most rewarding things I've done with my life and most of the time fostering is an amazing experience. But it's not all glamour and happy endings. Sometimes it's tough, really tough. Sometimes it rips your heart out and stomps all over it. Sometimes, no matter how much you want to help, no matter how hard you try, well...sometimes it just doesn't work.
Unfortunately, this is one of those times for us.
Carol is a sweet girl, one of the sweetest girls I've met. Outside of the shelter around people she trusts, she has an amazing personality and a silly nature. She just wants to be loved so badly. And I do love her. I mean, spend any amount of time with her one on one and I don't know how you wouldn't fall in love.
But Carol is also a bossy little cattle dog. Had you told me that a couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have understood what that meant. After nearly three weeks with her in my home, I now know. When I brought her home, we knew that her bio said she would prefer to be an only dog, but she was showing signs of wanting to play with other dogs, and when Peaches and I went to the shelter to meet her, they basically ignored each other. And so I thought everything was going to be just fine. But it wasn't...it isn't.
Most of the time Carol does fine around other dogs. She even seems to like the companionship. However, other times, when her bossy side comes out, well, my poor girls take the brunt of that bossiness.
I thought we could work through it and I thought if they could just peacefully coexist most of the time, then we could get through this and find sweet, sweet Carol a home. Honestly, a little snarling every couple of days seemed like it could be manageable as long as no one got hurt. However, over the last week, Peaches has been less her normal crazy self and it seems as though she is walking around on pins and needles. Maddie has been a little leary too, not knowing when Carol may suddenly decide she doesn't like whatever it is that Maddie might be doing at that moment. While I didn't like to see them that way, I also didn't want to give up on Carol.
Tonight, however, things changed. Carol lunged at Maddie and poor Maddie ended up with a small gash above her eye. Looking at it, I thought it would need stitches, and I spent a large part of my evening at the emergency vet with Maddie. Fortunately, they decided she didn't need stitches, but they did flush out the wound, clip the fur around it, and put her on a 10-day dose of antibiotics.
With this incident, I knew that Carol couldn't stay here any more. I have shed so many tears over this tonight. Tears for poor Maddie who trusts me to watch out for her and tears for poor Carol who has put her trust in me, but who has to go back to the shelter. I don't want to take her back. I want to help her. But having her stay here any longer, well it isn't good for anyone.
While it's nobody's fault this happened, I feel like a complete failure. I know she had a nice break from the shelter, felt comfort and love, and had fun adventures, plus I learned so much about her personality, but I didn't find her a family. I volunteer and foster to help dogs just like Carol, and this doesn't feel like helping right now, even when I know I did all that I could. But you just can't fight nature, no matter how hard you try. Just like I could never get Peaches to stop chasing bunnies or Maddie to like cats, Carol just needs to be in a home where she can be the queen.
The shelter is a noisy place and it can be scary and frustrating for a girl like Carol who is looking for a calm and quiet place to rest her head. I am hopeful that she will do okay when she gets back there. I'm hoping that she will find a family of her very own soon. I hope she'll forgive me for taking her back. I'm hoping she knows that she is loved and that she is special. I hope she knows I did my best, I tried my hardest, and that I'll still be out there looking for a place where she can be safe.
For tonight, I'm going to give her some extra love and try not to think about tomorrow, I've already shed enough tears.
This morning after a nice walk and sharing a Taco Bell breakfast taco, I returned Carol to the shelter...she looked so confused and I cried.