Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Carol Danvers

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  Sorry I'm late writing this week, but Sunday we took a much needed rest day.  However, I thought I'd spend a little time tonight sharing one of the highlights of our week.

Last Tuesday I brought home a new foster from the shelter.  Her name is Carol Danvers, and she's a  2 year old cattle dog mix. 

She is a very sweet girl who has been at the shelter for far too long.  With all of the stress shelter life can cause, Carol really needed a break, so we decided to bring her home with us so we can help her find a family of her own.

Because we weren't sure how she and Peaches would get along, I took Peaches on a field trip to the shelter for a meet and greet.  Thankfully,  it went very well and we headed home to meet Maddie. Of course Maddie is always happy to have a new friend!

I don't know her backstory,  but Carol came to me nervous, unsure, and even a little scared, but she also seemed to love people, even of she wasn't sure if she could fully trust them.  She really just wants to be loved.

We spent a lot of time outside that first night and she loved just lying in the grass and soaking up the sunshine.  I think she was relieved to be here with us.

Of course we've been on several walks and, not only does she walk great, she thoroughly enjoys them too.

As with any new dog, there have been a few growing pains while we learn more about her and as she settles into our routine, but overall things have gone very well.

Although no one in my house really understands the mind of a Cattle Dog, we are beginning to learn more every day and are adjusting.  Peaches has enjoyed having a new friend around, but isn't quiet sure why her friend nips at her heels as she runs by...or why the "fun police" show up when she just wants to play.   And poor Peaches easily gets her feelings hurt.  But as I am better understanding what triggers Carol to nip, I've been able to begin working to control the behavior so that everyone is able to happily and peacefully coexist.

We even got out for some weekend adventures, which I will share more about another day. 

I've learned a lot about Carol in the last week and she really has settled in nicely.  She is gaining confidence, becoming more relaxed, and feeling much more at home with us.  While I will continue to work with her to make sure she continues to improve for as long as she's here, I am excited to help her get into a new home and begin her life with her very own family.  Until then, I'm going to enjoy a few extra snuggles and a little more love! 

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