Sunday, November 10, 2019

November is upon us.

We have moved into the time of year when it's dark early,  the weather is unpredictable, and spending time outside can require much more effort.  This is not my favorite time of year, in fact, it is one of my least favorite, ranking second only behind the month of January and it's bitter cold.

So far we've been lucky, since we have only received a dusting of snow, and the temperatures have, for the most part, remained above freezing.  Our Fall colors have seemed to stick around longer this year too.  We have nearly reached the middle of November, and I haven't yet had to rake.  But all that is about to change, and  Winter will be here soon enough.

The good thing about November is that it is good weather for taking a nap or snuggling up with a warm dog.  Maddie loves a good snuggle session.

We have also been taking full advantage of the milder temperatures we've been experiencing,  Maddie is thriving with our current temperatures.  I've found that temperatures in the 30s and 40s are ideal for her.  She has had an extra bounce in her step and has been able to take longer walks.  Peaches and I have both been happy to see that Maddie is keeping up with us. Plus it's so much fun to watch her when she is so happy.

We have enjoyed this Fall as we've continued to find places where there are still leaves remaining.   The walk along the river is one of the places in Lansing where leaves remain so we started our weekend there on Friday evening.

It was a beautiful night for a walk and Maddie went strong for about 2.5 of our 3 mile hike.

Also, there is something special about the November sky.

While our weekday adventures are generally quick and close to home because of the early sunset, we are using the weekends to continue to make progress toward completing our 100 miles on the North Country Trail.

Saturday was sunny and in the low 40s, so we loaded up the Jeeps and headed South to Albion to see how far we could hike.  This time of year you have to take advantage of sunny days because they become fewer and fewer.

This recent reroute of the trail in Albion has been a favorite section of ours over the last several weeks.  It is quiet and surrounded by fields and a small wooded area.  Typically we are the only ones out on this section of the trail too which gives me the opportunity to let Peaches get in a little off-leash time and a run through the woods.  The joy she experiences out there just makes me smile and I'm so proud of her for listening so well.  I'm really thankful for her former owner who obviously spent a lot of time with her to make sure she was well trained.  Sure does make my life easier!

We have watched the color change here over the last month and it is amazing what a difference 4 weeks makes. The leaves here are almost all gone. I'm sure they all will be gone by next week.

We had a great time on the trail yesterday and completed 4.25 miles.  We are now 6 miles away from completing our 100.  My goal is to be finished by Thanksgiving.  I'm confident we can do it!

The Fall also means sports and other activities for my nieces and nephew.  Earlier this week, I headed to Mt. Morris to watch Sidnee and the Chesaning Volleyball team compete in the District Championship game.  Unfortunately they lost in a hard fought match, but I was glad to be there for her final high school volleyball game.

On Saturday night, I went to Chesaning to see Brezlyn perform in her first play.  It was a production of "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" and she played Susan.  She did a great job and really enjoyed the experience.   She's already talking about trying out for the Spring musical!

We're expecting our first significant snowfall of the year tomorrow.  While I'm never really ready for snow, I know we will embrace whatever comes our way and find a way to get outside and enjoy our time together.  

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