Sunday, January 12, 2020

The impending Storm

Happy Sunday!  After a pretty quiet week at home, we survived the threat of a major ice storm here in Lansing over the last couple of days. With forecasts for the potential of up to an inch of ice, we are thankful to have dodged that bullet!  I am not a fan of ice storms and have to say that I am so glad that not much came of this one. 

On Friday, with potentially dangerous travel conditions headed our way, I made the decision to run a few errands right after work so that we could settle in for the weekend.  I was happy to be able to get the dogs out for a short adventure too because I was unsure when I'd be able to get them out again if we did get a significant storm.  

The temperatures on Friday were mild with temperatures near 50, and those temperatures stayed through most of the night.  When we woke up on Saturday, I was hoping to be able to get the girls out for a walk before the sleet and ice moved in to our area, however, the rain prevented us from getting out for any exercise.   Because the conditions hadn't gotten bad at that point and I had two very restless girls, we took a quick drive to Soldan's Pet Store to find some items to keep the girls occupied while they were stuck inside.   By the time we left, the sleet had started, so we headed directly home with no plans to leave again.

My yard Saturday 9am

Due to the threat of ice and potential for power outages, I spent the morning cleaning, finishing laundry, and doing some meal prep while the girls enjoyed their special treats.  If we lost power, I wanted to be as prepared as possible. The girls did make an few quick trips outside, but none of them were thrilled with the weather, so they were happy to be inside snuggling and napping for most of the day.  

Saturday 6pm

Thankfully, the day went pretty well.  The girls stayed quiet and happy and I was able to sit back and relax for a bit.  I was looking forward to a quiet day at home and that's exactly what we had...until about 10pm, when Cricket and Peaches both got restless and wouldn't relax anymore.  I thought we got through the restlessness, until I let them out at about midnight for a potty break and Cricket decided it was time for a good round of chase...and Peaches obliged.  And  there was no stopping them, so for the next 15 minutes they ran and wrestled and had a great time.  

Sunday 12am

Cricket and Peaches were up bright and early this Sunday morning ready to play again, there they were outside at 7am for a good bout of chase once again.

Sunday 9am

There were many trips in and out for some romps in the yard, but finally it was time to settle in, snuggle, and nap.  It was actually nice to have a little snow on the ground...I've gotten a little tired of mud in January!

Most of our day was spent quietly inside and our weekend was pretty uneventful.  While a slow week and a quiet weekend at home can be really nice, I'm hoping that we'll be able to get out for some good exercise this week and maybe even a big adventure this weekend.  I'm sure the girls feel the same way!

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