Sunday, May 8, 2022

Have you ever felt like you are being followed?

I don't know about you, but for me this week has seemed to last a lot longer than just seven days.  It hasn't been an especially good week or a bad week, just a really, really long one.  

We had plenty of rainy days which prevented us from getting out as much as I would have liked and aren't ideal when you have dogs that expect life to be full of daily adventures.  Both Peaches and Hershey let me know that they were bored multiple times throughout the week.  I swear I couldn't move without a shadow. 

Monday started off with Peaches staring at me while I worked, which seemed to become the theme of my week.  She was good most of Monday, but as the week progressed, she became more clingy and needy...and whiny. I was watched and followed and the amount of whining I heard this week...well it just about drove me crazy!  She's lucky she's so cute!

While Peaches watched me work on Monday, a very sleepy Hershey decided it was a great day for napping.  When he hadn't gotten up on his own, I finally had to force him out of his bed at 10am for a potty break and breakfast. After finishing his breakfast, he proceeded to go right back to his cozy cave in the bedroom, burrow all the way to the back of it, and sleep until after 3:30, when he finally wandered out looking for his lunch.  He joined us in the office and living room the rest of the night, but was just a sleepy old man all day.  

By Tuesday, he was ready to go and was up before 7:30am, ready for his breakfast.  He spent the rest of the week up early, which is very unusual for him, and limited his napping to short cat naps.  If I moved he was up following me, much more demanding and needy than usual, looking for his lunch earlier than normal and overall being a very bossy boy.  I couldn't leave his sight without him barking to be included in whatever it was I was planning to do without him.  He was sure he was missing out on something fun.

After a gray Monday and a long, rainy Tuesday,  it was nice to see the sun come out on Wednesday.  I had lots of work to do, but was glad I'd be able to get the dogs out for some fun afterwards.   

We attended a geocaching event at a local park not far from home right after work, and Peaches and Hershey got to make a couple of new friends- both two and four-legged.  It was a quick event, and we were close to our favorite taco truck, so I decided to have tacos for dinner.  We placed our order and headed out for a quick walk around the neighborhood while we waited for the order to be done. 

We got back to the car before our food was ready, so we all impatiently waited.  It was a nice night to sit outside and once we got home and everyone ate dinner, Peaches and Hershey settled in for the night.

Thursday brought another day of work, being followed every time I stood up, whining and barking.  With the nicer weather, I was able to get Peaches to spend quite a bit of time outside while I worked, but Hershey prefers work from home life when I am busily working away and he can settle into his cozy cave and not worry that I'll leave him alone.  

It was a great day to spend some time in the yard after work.  I have lots of Spring cleaning to do both inside and out and wanted to get started.  The fresh air was good for all of us.

The weekend finally arrived and I had grand plans for working in the yard because the weather was going to be perfect for it.  But before we spent any time doing yard work, I felt like we needed to do something fun. So we headed out to Mason for their Spring Fling.

There were lots of booths on the Courthouse square, from craft vendors and school organizations to games and food trucks, and there were people everywhere.   We were immediately greeted by a sweet older gentleman who asked if he could share a bite of his chicken with the dogs, and from that point on Hershey and Peaches were on the lookout for friends with special treats.

 I didn't get anywhere very fast with the number of people wanting to say hello or me just trying to stay out of the way, but it was a lot of fun and a great way to poop out some pups.  Peaches found grass to roll in and popcorn to clean up off the ground, Hershey found kids and little old ladies to give him pets.  They were having a grand time.

We stopped to visit the booth of our friends from Patterson Veterinary Hospital and Hershey got to meet Dr. Jason and some of the staff who will be the ones caring for him from now on.   He made fast friends with Dr. Jason who was happily sharing treats while greeting people who stopped to say hello.  Peaches got to meet some of the kids of the staff who have taken such good care of her  the last four years and she found the secret stash of treats which she was sure were hidden just for her.

I bought some popcorn to share as we walked and eventually we grabbed some lunch from one of the food trucks and sat on the steps of the courthouses to eat before heading home.  What a fun time we had.

I was able to get home and start some yard work, and while I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, I was happy with what I did finish.   Still more work to do, but I should be able to get lots more done during the week.

I had hoped that the fun and excitement of the last couple of days would cure the neediness and whining of this week, but this morning Peaches continues her clingy ways.  This is my view as I write.

We will be heading to my parent's for Mother's Day shortly so I'm hoping that the fresh country air and excercise will at least start the week off right.  I'm looking forward to a better week ahead with lots of time outside getting my spring yard cleanup  finished and getting the garden ready foe planting.  The weather is looking perfect for it.  Have a great week!

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