Sunday, September 11, 2022

Hiking and Geocaching adventures

It has been a gray, dreary, and rainy Sunday.  I've been fairly productive today.  While our original plan for today had been to travel to the ISR reunion in Illinois for the day,  the reunion was postponed due to the forecast of some pretty heavy rains expected in the area.  I was bummed that it had to be rescheduled, but I'm thankful for a rainy day at home.  

Our week was pretty uneventful, although it did start off on Labor Day with a trip to Hell for some exploring and a good geocaching hike.   It was Vanessa and Mina's first visit to Hell.

After we explored Hell, we enjoyed a nice hike along the Mike Levine trail nearby and picked up several geocaches along the way.  We finished our trip with lunch at the Hell Hole Bar.  It was busy and the food was excellent.

Tuesday arrived and our vacation came to an end, but I don't think any of us were ready for me to go back to work.

The girls had a lazy morning, but I was busy.  The day was full of TEAMS meetings and catching up from my week out of the office.

Mina and Peaches spent a lot of time outside during the week enjoying our beautiful weather while I worked.  Because I was busy and worked late a couple of nights, we didn't take any exciting mid-week adventures, but we did get out for our nightly walks.

Mina has been crazy this week.  I think she's in the middle of a growth spurt and so our previous routine isn't working for her.  I think she's gotten to an age where she needs more excercise and mental stimulation than she has needed previously so we'll be making some adjustments.   

She was a little bit of a monster this week, and my work schedule didn't help.   And while I'm not loving the late evening zoomies and some of her bad behavior, she is awfully cute when she is sleeping.

Friday we were able to get out for a little adventure at Anderson Park.  We saw some beautiful late Summer flowers.

It was such an enjoyable evening walk.  And we experienced a beautiful sunset on our way home.  

Saturday started off with our Saturday morning Dog Walking Club at the shelter.  It was a great walk and I really enjoy spending time with the shelter dogs.  They are always so happy to spend some time outside of the shelter.   

I then headed home to spend some time in the garden.  I had a lot of work to do and Mina joined to help me.  Normally I wouldn't let dogs in the garden, but Mina has figured out how to sneak around the fence which makes it hard to keep her out, and she sits so nicely, so I don't mind.

Peaches enjoyed the time outside too, soaking in the sun.

The garden bounty was pretty amazing.  I got my first Brussel Sprouts ever and I can't believe I'm still getting zucchini.  I spent time Sunday taking care of all of these lovely veggies.

Since we expected a rainy Sunday, we joined Vanessa for some fun exploring Grand Woods Park and Hawk Meadows. 

It was a hot and humid afternoon, but we enjoyed our geocaching adventure with the dogs.   We saw lots of pretty views and even saw some swans. 

Shockingly, I even remembered to get a picture of the girls!  We walked 5 1/2 miles total and definitely earned the stop for ice cream at Twisters on the way home!

And most of the evening was spent quietly enjoying some college football. 

We slept in a bit this morning and had a slow start to the day before heading out to run some errands, get groceries, and stop at local Orchard for a cider slush and doughnuts.  

The flowers at the orchard were beautiful, so I couldn't resist getting some pictures. 

Once we got home I did some work around the house while watching the Lions game.  Overall it was a pretty good Sunday.

Lots of wrestling and some good brain games for the girls kept them happy despite the fact we couldn't get out for much of a walk with all the rain.  

And I end my Sunday with some puppy snuggles.  Not a bad way to end the day. 

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