We had quite a week. It was not at all what I had expected it was going to be when I headed out of the house with the girls last Saturday. What should have been a quiet, uneventful week, ended up stressful and full of highs and lows. But sometimes life just goes that way, I guess.

Last Saturday was hot, and while I wanted to get the girls out for some adventures, I knew anything we did would need to be done in short spurts if we planned to be outside. So we all got into the car to head out with no clear idea of where we were going. I found a couple of parks I thought we could visit quickly so the girls could get in some short walks and sniffs, and on the way to the first, we detoured off the route to find a geocache close by, and that started our day of geocaching our way around some country roads. While there were a few spots that the girls got out with me, most of the time they hung out in the car with their heads out the windows just watching me. By mid-afternoon, they had made themselves comfy in the back of the car and napped in between stops.

Eventually we ended up in Perry where we stopped to get out for a walk at Veteran's Memorial Park. The building is a former mitten factory, but is now being used as City Hall. With the heat, it didn't take long to tire the girls out so they actually stayed nicely for a couple of pictures. After our very short adventure here, we were all happy to get back into the air conditioned car.
Next I made a stop at Johnny V's Smokehouse to pick up lunch. I had found another nice little park in Perry, so once I got my food, we headed there for a little picnic.
It was nicely shaded and there was a cool breeze, so I really enjoyed my lunch here. It was a secluded and little used park, so we had it all to ourselves. Peaches spent time exploring while I ate, but Mina laid nicely, relaxing and enjoying the day. She is going to be a really great patio dog.
While we had had a busy day of geocaching, we hadn't gotten in much walking, so when the temperatures cooled down a bit, we headed to campus for a nice evening walk.
The Landscape gardens just before sunset were awfully pretty and the girls really enjoyed our time there. It was a great way to end our day of adventures.
Sunday morning, we visited Nicol, Tyler, and Fiona. I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, and I was looking forward to the seeing them. I was happily greeted by Picasso. I love how excited he gets to see me!
I got in a short visit with them before my parents arrived and then we all had a nice visit. Eventually we headed outside to hang up the old swing that my parents had brought for Fiona. My dad found a good tree limb and got the swing hung. Then we all took turns pushing Fiona in the swing. I know she's going to spend a lot of time using that swing because she loved it.
After my morning visit, I headed back to Lansing to pick up our next foster, Cepheus (the shelter was using constellation names). I had received a call late in the day on Saturday from the shelter asking if I could help because he was not doing well at the shelter. While timing wasn't great, it was an urgent plea, and I couldn't say no. So on my way home, I swung by the shelter to bring him home for the week.
Cepheus is a sweet hound, but the first day out of the shelter can be difficult. We arrived home and the introduction to the girls went well and we were enjoying some time outside. I knew I could be in for a challenge since Mina was just finishing up her heat cycle, but I was not prepared for just how crazy that silly hound dog would get. I tried to keep him away from her, kept him on a leash inside, and really made an effort to help them calmly co-exist, but that was definitely not going to work on his first night.
Sunday night was challenging. I went to bed early, crating Mina for the night, and leaving Peaches to snooze on the couch, while bringing him to bed with me. While it took him a while to relax. eventually, in the wee hours of the morning, he fell asleep and we both slept well for the rest of the night.
I was concerned how things would go Monday, and decided it might be best for all of us if I kept him separated from Mina, so we began my day rotating dogs between inside and outside. I got this process down pretty well over the next few days and, while it was challenging, I felt like we were making it work pretty well. Luckily, the weather was nice so everyone could spend lots of time outside. Peaches and Cepheus would play when they were outside together, and then he'd come in for a nap, while Peaches and Mina would lounge around the yard.
What I learned about this boy during the next couple of days is that he is a real gem. He was happy to nap on the floor or in the open crate while I was working. He was also perfectly happy to be outside sniffing around or just lounging in the sun. He is sweet and playful and silly, just an overall good boy.
Poor Mina probably had the hardest week because we didn't get as much mom and Mina time, but she was such a good girl dealing with the whole situation.
Because of other commitments I had coming up, I wasn't able to keep Cepheus beyond Friday, and I spent much of my time outside of my work hours frantically trying to find a rescue, foster, or adopter for him because if he had gone back to the shelter, he wasn't going to make it out alive...and I couldn't let this big, goofy, sweet boy lose his chance at a long life. It became overwhelmingly stressful and emotional for me as I searched and reached out and hoped for a miracle. So many friends shared him, and the coonhound loving community also made a huge effort on his behalf, and on Wednesday I got the news that the Humane Society of Midland County had agreed to take him in to their care.

They could take him immediately and there was a volunteer at the shelter ready to drive him there, so I spent my lunch getting him to the shelter and saying my goodbyes. It is amazing how quickly I became attached to this guy. I had loved him from the first time I saw him at the shelter, but the few days he spent in my home made me love him even more. Hounds always get a bad rap and aren't always given a fair chance, but this boy is amazing. I cried plenty of tears of happiness, sadness, and relief that day, but I am so grateful for everyone who helped him, and for the Humane Society for giving him a chance. I'm keeping on eye on their website and Facebook page and can't wait to see him get his forever home. He's one of those dogs who I'll never forget.
It was back out to the shelter Wednesday night for Dog Walking Club, and I got to walk Orion. He's a pretty good boy and it was nice to go out there not worrying about anything and to just enjoy a good walk.
After I got home from Dog walking, I took the girls out for a little adventure. They earned it after all the time they spent getting shuffled around the past few days. We had a beautiful walk around the Capitol Grounds and they were thrilled to be out with me. It was a beautiful end to a good day.
Thursday was a quiet day at home and the girls spent a lot of time lounging around the house. We took it easy because Friday we had a special visitor coming for the next week.
After work on Friday, we made the drive to Fremont, Indiana, to pick up Karl. He's back with us for the week while his current foster family is on vacation. He's grown so much since he was here two months ago.
Saturday morning, the dogs joined me while I ran some errands and then we spent much of the afternoon outside doing yard work. I'm happy to announce that the 2023 garden is finally completely planted and the new fence is up to protect it from a crazy puppy. I still have to get the straw spread around the plants, but I was pleased to have everything planted finally. I love garden season!
We also spent time playing in the hose, which is one of Mina's favorite things to do. Karl isn't quite sure about the hose yet, but he's shown some interest from a distance.
I had so much planned for our Sunday, but after an emotionally trying week, I was exhausted this morning, so our day started slowly. I finally got around and got the dogs out for a nice three mile walk before the rain moved into the area.
After our walk, we ran out to Felzke Farm to get a flat of strawberries. Strawberry season is one of my favorite times of the year! I've eaten a bunch and even made strawberry shortcake for my after dinner treat tonight. I also did some grocery shopping and ran a few more errands before heading home.
I have done some cleaning and laundry and checked some other things off my to-do list, and finally Karl decided it was okay to take a nap. After eating dinner, the dogs have all settled in for a quiet evening which finally allowed me to sit down to write. We have finally gotten some much needed rain too, and I think we had a pretty good rainy day.
After an emotional start to my week, I am ending the week and weekend feeling pretty accomplished. I got lots done, but most importantly, with the help of my rescue community, we saved a life. You can't ask for anything better than that.