Monday, June 19, 2023

Karl's vacation

While Karl's foster family was on vacation this week, I decided we'd give Karl a vacation too.  So every day we did something fun.

On Monday the dogs spent the day playing chase and enjoying our yard while I worked, and then we got out for a nice long evening walk after work.

On Tuesday, we took a lunchtime trip to campus for a walk around the horticultural gardens.   

While nobody looked very thrilled about our car ride there, they were all full of crazy energy when we got out of the car.  There was so much pulling and crazy energy combined with lots of people and squirrels that I had a terrible time walking them as they pulled and got tangled.  

While it wasn't fun for me, they had a great time and the rest of my afternoon was peaceful. 

On Wednesday, Karl got to join me at the shelter for Dog Walking Club.  He was a very good boy on the walk.  All of the dogs were super.   It was a really nice walk.

After dog walking club we spent some time in the yard.  Mina and Karl "helped" as I watered the garden.   They both love playing in the hose.

And that night Karl and Mina decided to share the cozy cave.  

Thursday after work, I took everyone out to visit the South Lansing Farmer's Market which is in the Soldan's parking lot.  

I decided that I'd take Karl by himself first and gave him a trip into Soldan's for a special treat too.  He loved his time in Soldan's, but the Farmer's Market was a bit too much for him so we made a quick trip.

Then I got the girls out for their visit to the Farmer's Market.   We left with a chocolate chip cookie, egg rolls from Ming Dynasty, some dog treats, and some happy dogs.  Mina and Peaches love the attention they get there every time we visit. 

We then headed to Sharp Park to watch Brezlyn's softball game.  She was in town for a tournament and I haven't had a chance to see her play yet this year.  It was nice to have a game so close to home.

Peaches is a pro at softball games, but it was all new to Mina and Karl. And for Karl all of the new noises and people were a bit overwhelming.  He felt safest near me and I let him take everything at his own pace.  

After the game, we took a nice 2 mile walk on the East-West Connector Trail that runs through the park before heading home.  All of us enjoyed our walk. 

It had been an exhausting evening for Karl and he slept all the way home.

Friday Brezlyn's team was back in town for a couple more games so we headed out to the park again after work. 

We took a short walk when we arrived and got to the field about mid-way through the first game. 

When game one ended, we took a walk with my mom along the East-West Connector Trail between games.  We made it back just as game two was starting. 

I sat on the ground with the dogs for the second game hoping that would help Karl relax.  He spent most of the game sitting on me, but he stayed calm through most of it and only barked a few times when someone or something startled him.

Mina loved our time at the game.  She was really good the whole time.  And of course both girls loved getting treats from grandma. 

Once the game was over, we made the quarter mile walk back to the car.  It had been a fun but exhausting evening. 

Karl was wiped out from all of the excitement.   He did such a good job!

Saturday morning we headed out for a visit with Barb, Tom, Sherman, and Ruby.  I thought everyonr might enjoy a little playdate since we hadn't visited in awhile and I wanted Karl's last day with us to be extra special.

I was excited to see my little Ruby and was surprised at how calm and relaxed she has gotten.  She is nicely settled into her home with Tom and Barb and I'm so happy for her.  She had been in so many homes in her life before being adopted, but I think she knows this one is forever. 

There were games of chase and non-stop games of fetch with Mina, lots of sniffing and exploring, and about a dozen different toys scattered around the yard.

Karl spent some time in the kiddie pool, and eventually he even made friends with Tom.

And near the end of our visit, Tom even got some Karl kisses.

The pups also had a little ice cream party while we were there, although I didn't get any pictures. 

It was nice to have three ISR alum and one foster together along with my Mina and I think they all had a great time.

After we got home, Karl also got to visit a local greenhouse with me so I could pick up a couple of plants.  It had been another busy day of vacation for Karl.

Sunday morning arrived and our time with Karl was coming to a close.  We loaded up the car for our morning drive to Indiana to meet his foster mom and we were off.  

It was a quiet drive and before I knew it we were there in Indiana saying goodbye to this sweet little guy.  He was so excited to see his foster mom and it warmed my heart to know that he felt so much love for her.  Instead of scared little Karl, he was able to act like a normal puppy, happy to see someone he knew.  

I realized as we said goodbye that I will probably never see Karl again, so I sent him off with a big hug, lots of kisses, and wishes for a wonderful life.  I really hope he finds the perfect family to love him forever.  

Before leaving Indiana we stopped for a quick 1 1/2 mile walk on a trail near the Expressway.   I was so surprised to find a Snapping Turtle laying her eggs along the trail.

And even with the highway in the background, there were some pretty views.

We did a little geocaching as we made our way North, and then headed to my parents for a Father's Day cookout with my dad.

Peaches and Mina had a great visit to the country.  Peaches loves that she has the freedom to explore about 2 acres and she knows all of the good spots to find critters.  She always has the best time there.  I did have to remind her to relax and not over do it since she's no longer the youngster she thinks she is.  Luckily she didn't seem have any pain last night and she slept very well.

Mina doesn't get the same freedom as Peaches to explore, but she spent lots of time on her long leash practicing her listening skills and learning where she can and cannot go so that some day she'll be free to run  and explore right along with Peaches.

I got no pictures of our visit, but I can guarantee both girls had a great day.

We saw this interesting metal statue on our way home and I had to get a picture.  

After getting home, I was able to get some laundry done and to do a little work in the garden and around the house before settling in for a quiet evening.  It was a long busy Sunday, but we had a good day

I'm off work today for the Juneteenth holiday and I have lots to get done, so I will end now.  We have a busy two weeks ahead of us and I have lots to do to get ready.  

Hope you all have a great week and enjoy the Summer Solstice!

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