Sunday, January 7, 2024

2024 begins

We started off the new year right by getting outside.  After meeting a group of geocaching for a mid morning breakfast, I knew I had to get the girls out for a walk.  While I wasn't feeling up for a big adventure,  I found a trail that we hadn't really explored with a couple of geocaches along the way and off we went. 

It was a peaceful late morning and I was surprised at how nicely wooded this trail was.  The girls were having a great time sniffing away and I was enjoying the quiet.  We had a nice 2 1/4 mile walk and found three geocaches before making it back to the car.  

Afterward, I made a stop to visit my friend Chastity who had to work.  I had a nice visit with her and when I left, I decided we'd head out for a little more geocaching fun.

I picked up a few quick geocaches as we drove toward campus where I had plans for another walk.  While I have found most of the caches on campus, there was one that I had my eye on and my goal was to finally find it today.  We parked near the cache location, made a quick find, and then headed off for our walk.  After another 2 /14 miles, we got back in the car to head home.

I had recorded the Rose Parade, so when we got home I gave the girls their late lunch in treat balls and did some food prep while watching the parade.  

The girls each had a Kong filled with some special treats, and I sat down for an early dinner before the Rose Bowl.

Once the game started, the girls took turns in my lap before they finally settled in for a quiet evening.  

After an exciting end to our holidays and my week off from work, January 2 arrived and It was back to work.  It was a long and exhausting day of work, and the weather was cold and rainy, so.the girls and I had a very quiet, boring day at home.

Since Wednesday my dad has been in the hospital. Out of respect for his privacy, I'm not going to go into details, but it's been a long week.  I've spent my mornings working and my afternoons at the hospital.

The girls had some really long boring days, and while I tried to get them out for at least some short walks each night, none of us were getting the excercise we are used to getting. 

Each day on my drive home, I.was thankful for the number of houses that were still decorated for the holidays and I tried to change the drive a bit each night so I could take in the pretty lights.  All of those lights really helped keep my spirits up throughout the week.

Early in the the week, I noticed Mina having some issues with her nose.   She was regularly blowing air out of her nose as if something was stuck, so I scheduled a Friday morning appointment for her.

Luckily, her examine showed no infection and no obstructions, and Dr. Jason believed that she was just suffering from dry nose/throat due to the dry Winter weather.  I've been running a humidifier at night and putting Vick's Vaporub on her nose every morning now, and I have noticed a huge improvement.  That is a relief. 

Saturday was a big day in our house.  It was Peaches' 12th Birthday!  Six years ago she came into my life, and we definitely needed an adventure to celebrate it.  

We took a nice drive through the country doing a little geocaching along our drive. 

Then we got out for a nice 2.1 mile hike on the NCT in the Barry State Game Area.  Peaches even sat nicely for a picture for me at the end of our hike.

Then we made the drive back into Hastings to join a geocaching event at the Dairy Queen and to get the girls some ice cream to celebrate the day.

After we finished our treat, we got in the car to head North to Ada.  On the way, we made a quick stop in Middleville.  The town was so festive looking that I couldn't resist stopping for another walk.  The North Country Trail runs right through town, so we added another 1.1 miles for the day.

Finally we made it to Ada to check.out their Winter Lights walking trail.  We had a nice walk around town.  I especially liked the pretty covered bridge.  After our walk around town, we made a nice quiet drive home.  I think it was just what we all needed and the perfect way to celebrate Peaches' special day.

While I would normally spend the time between New Year's day and January 6th to start the putting away my holiday decorations, and then take my tree down on the 6th or 7th, this week has delayed my progress.  I finally made time this morning to put away all of my holiday decorations and to do a load of laundry.   

This afternoon I headed to the hospital for another visit with my dad.  I had planned on a short visit today, so I brought the girls along for the ride.  

While my dad was sleeping, my mom and I got the girls out for a mile walk on this lovely little loop trail on the hospital property.  Before we left, I got the girls out for another walk on a different section of the trail.  Then we had a nice quiet drive home. 

We arrived home to a very dark street, and I was reminded just how much I don't like January.  January 7 may be one of the saddest days of the year as the first day after the end of the Christmas season.   I already miss all of the lights.  Lucky for me, my tree is still standing tonight, but sadly I'll need to take it down very soon.  I just need to remember, every day is one day closer to Spring.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day spent at the hospital, but I'm hopeful that the rest of the week will be better.  Now I'm off to bed.

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