Thursday, November 8, 2018

The best dog ever

When you bring home a puppy, you never know what you're going to get...or how much time you will have.  Some people get a few months, some get a few years, and, if you are lucky like me, you get a lifetime.  I have been blessed beyond measure to get 15 years with my puppy.  From the first time a saw that little brown head until the last moment I see that beautiful gray face, it has been an amazing ride.

Imke was the last female in her litter and I was determined to have a girl, so I believe it is fate that we were brought together.  I wasn't even there to pick her up when she entered our family.  The first time I saw her was in a tiny little picture from a cell phone camera, which, let's admit it, in 2003 those weren't the greatest cameras.  But it wasn't long after seeing that picture that I met her in person.  She was quiet, shy, and reserved.  She had ears and paws that were way too big for her body, but she grew into them.  And she was the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen.

Over the years we had our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations.  But we were lucky to be able to face them all together.  She has always been loyal; the most loyal dog I have ever had.  She has always been sensitive and grew to be very in tune with my feelings...I can't cry in the presence of Imke without her coming to check on me.  She knows when I'm sick or not feeling well.  Even in her exuberant youth, she was calm and quiet and would lie cuddled by my side in bed any time I had a migraine.   She just wanted to make sure someone was there to take care of me...and she was always there.

She certainly didn't stay that quiet, shy puppy of our first meeting.  She grew to have a bold, confident, sassy personality.  She is independent-spirited and strong-willed; some may even call her stubborn, but she has always been the dog I knew would never stray far from me.  I trusted her and she trusted me.  She still trusts me and I am honored to have that trust.

While she certainly has a voice of her own and isn't afraid to use it, especially to demand a treat, in the areas that really matter...her health and welfare, her life and death, I am her voice.  It is an awesome responsibility, but one I will not shy away from and one that I will always find to be one of the most important responsibilities of my life.

It has been a true privilege to be her mom, the one and only mom she has ever had.  She is one of the lucky ones that never ended up abandoned or alone, never ended up in a shelter or had to be rescued.  The day she came home to me at 7 weeks old, she was really truly home.  And for the rest of my life, she will remain with me, in my heart.  Wherever I go, she will be there, we will never really be apart.

How lucky am I to have found a love so true, so pure?

When you bring a puppy home, you never know what you are going to get, but I got more than I ever could have wanted, more than I ever could have expected.  I got a lifetime of adventures and a life time of love.  I got the best dog ever.

I wrote this post late Tuesday night while I was up with a very restless Imke.  I saved it with plans to add a couple pictures before posting.  But tonight I am sharing this with you because Imke died today.  It was a peaceful passing at home with me by her side.  I am blessed that she allowed me to be there at the end of her journey and that she didn't make me decide when it was time...she decided on her own.  Imke lived life to the fullest, she loved life, and she lived it on her own terms.  She was stubborn and sassy, but also loyal, loving and true.  She really was the best friend I've ever had and I will miss all of her silly antics.   But she is now reunited with her favorite kitty, her boy Jake, and a handful of her foster friends and other dog friends that we have lost along the way.  I know she is happy and healthy again and she is doing all the things she's ever loved...and eating all the treats her little heart desires, while her tail wags wildly the whole time, just like it always did.

This is the last picture I took of her beautiful face and it will always remind me of a very special moment with my very special girl as we snuggled together last night.  Thank you all for sharing her journey.  She was definitely one-of-a-kind.  Rest Peacefully my sweet, sweet girl.  You deserve it.

Imke October 5, 2003- November 7, 2018

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