Sunday, April 12, 2020

Tails from Quarantine: Episode 2

I thought I'd take some time today to continue my new "Tails from Quarantine" series.  You may be saying to yourself right now...boy, she used the wrong word there, but I've decided since this is a dog-based blog, why not use a play on tails instead of tales.  And here we go!

Since I last wrote, things have changed around here a bit.  We have welcomed a new foster, my 43rd overall and my 15th with Illinois Shorthair Rescue.  Her name is Piper and she's crazy youngster who was found as a stray.  She's only been here a few days, but she is slowly starting to settle into a routine.  And yes, even though I am working from home and not going anywhere, there is still routine here because the girls really need it to keep them happy and healthy.  So do I.

Piper is a crazy little thing who is always on the move and seems to really love people, from what I can tell.  She always greets me with enthusiasm!

Her first couple of days with us were spent busily moving around the house as well as in and out the door.  She likes to spend time outside, but she's found that she'd prefer to spend most of her time close to me.  Much to Peaches' disappointment, she has to share my lap and my time with someone else when she'd much rather have me all to herself.

The girls are doing well with her here, although Peaches is a little unsure how to handle all of the anxious energy Piper brings to the house.  Piper isn't very interested in playing with Peaches and so far that's been okay with Peaches too.  I hope that eventually they become friends so that I don't have to be Pipers only source of entertainment.  That has been a full-time job!

She has spent a lot of time pacing and has a hard time relaxing, despite some long walks and other fun throughout the day, but I'm hoping that will change after she's here awhile.

Today we spent some time learning that it is not okay to be in the kitchen, especially while I'm cooking.  The training session went pretty well and I think she'll learn pretty quickly.  She seems to be pretty smart. 

She has decided that the office is a puppy playground and she really likes to bring as many toys as she can into the room while I'm in there...and then pull all the stuffing out of them!  My house is the scene of many murders over the last several days and every where I go, I find stuffing or a unstuffed carcass of some poor toy.  This is also very disheartening for Peaches because she LOVES all of her stuffed toys.  I was able to put most of her favorites away for safe keeping until Piper leaves, but it will be tough for Peaches to live without them long.

We are continuing to work on our North Country Trail hike from home challenge which helps get us out of the house.  Piper isn't a fan of cars on the road, so we've been forced to walk in some areas that are places we normally would walk so that we can avoid heavily trafficked ares.  I think Peaches has enjoyed exploring some new spots.

Maddie has been out on shorter walks with us as well.  She is finding it harder to go very far most days, so when she joins we generally stay closer to home and allow for a lot of time to sniff everything around us.  She is such a sweet old girl and has put up with a lot of fosters over the years, so I think she deserves some time to just wander and sniff and take her time...and everyone else can just wait for her.  She also has some really good days when we can walk a little farther and I try to make the most of those.  No matter where we go, Maddie is just happy to be with me.

And despite the extra energy that Piper has brought to the house, we are all happy to slow down and snuggle up for some quiet time every evening. 

Having Piper here hasn't been easy, but she is really a sweet girl, and each day gets a little easier.  Now we're off to get in a walk while our Easter dinner finishes up in the crockpot.  I hope you all enjoy a happy, peaceful, and safe Easter at home.

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